AngularJs Directives Loaded Event


I have just started using AngularJs directives, using the resources here, here and here.

I have a situation where i need to do something after all directives have been loaded.


Scenario 1

  • Controller Loads
  • Directive 1 loads
  • Directive 2 loads
  • Final event fires (preferably picked up by the controller)

Scenario 2

  • Controller loads
  • Directive 1 loads
  • Directive 2 loads
  • Directive 3 loads
  • Final event fires (preferably picked up by the controller)

I can't seem to find a 'directives loaded' event. With a search, the best I could find was this SO post, (for which this answer does work), but it feels like a 'broad brush' approach.

What is the correct way of doing this please?

Happy to post code if needed, but it doesn't seem beneficial in this instance.


For the benefit of searchers...

@jack.the.ripper 's comment was correct. The SignalR stuff did need moving out to a service.

In the case of notifying when all directives were loaded, this has been working nicely.

Collected from the Internet

Please contact [email protected] to delete if infringement.

edited at


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