XAMPP URL with 'error' end to 404 Not found


Is there some problem with URLs which have word error in them? Because if I enter route like http://eshop.local/controller/action, where controller can be anything at all, there's no problem, but if controller is error, it returns:

Error 404 Page not found

My htaccess:

RewriteEngine on
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ index.php?url=$1 [L,QSA]

http://eshop.local/error works fine but if is followed by some action whatever word, number, or anything returns 404 error.


Just now i have copied it to my webhosting, everything with error urls is working fine, so problem is on XAMPP side.


Response from Altrea, Moderator from XAMPP forum:

All URLs that are used in an Alias, Location or Proxy definition.
There are a bunch of them in XAMPP Apache (depending on which config files are activated or not some of them are maybe not used):


In your case /error/ is already useds

Is it possible to reuse for example that /error/ or it' s better to change it in my code for example to /err/ ?

This Alias is used for the default Apache 
error Pages (everywhere ErrorDocuemnt is used this Alias is used).
So it is possible to change it in XAMPP, but you have to 
search and replace multiple files.

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