Datasources only found on 1 site in IIS 7

volume one

The title is not quite correct, but here is the problem situation:

  1. Setup multiple sites on the same IIS 7 server
  2. Installed CF10 and it works fine on all sites
  3. CFIDE Datasources can only be found for 1 site, not all of them, even though they still work on all sites

To see CF datasources (using RDS), the URL is sitename/CFIDE/administrator/datasources/index.cfm. Each site in IIS 7 has the CFIDE directory mapped to it as far as I know. It appears in the site folder structure for all my sites as a virtual directory. I used the Web Server Configuration Tool to remove and re-add ColdFusion to all my sites.

The problem is that applications using RDS can only find datasources for one of my sites. It uses the URL given above sitename/CFIDE/administrator/datasources/index.cfm to find the datasources of the site. RDS is not picking up the datasources for any of the other sites.

I tried manually going to sitename2/CFIDE/administrator/datasources/index.cfm (sitename2 being the name of a different site in IIS to the one that's working) and I just get this error:

"The page isn't redirecting properly

Firefox has detected that the server is redirecting the request for this address in a way that will never complete."

Can anyone suggest how to fix this so the URL will resolve for each site? Otherwise my RDS feature has broken which is not good. If I test the sites themselves, they all work fine and can access my datasources just fine. So something is up with the RDS feature

volume one

I've sorted it. Looks like it was a password thing. I had to remove the require password authentication and re-apply it again.

Collected from the Internet

Please contact [email protected] to delete if infringement.

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