Optional assignment in Swift not working?


For some reason I can't get optionals working in Swift. They seem to always be nil. Either there's a bug somewhere, or I don't understand how optionals work. Here's what I'm doing:

First, I open up a Swift REPL: /Applications/Xcode6-Beta2.app/Contents/Developer/Toolchains/XcodeDefault.xctoolchain/usr/bin/swift

Here's what I enter in the REPL (combined with return values):

1> var perhapsInt: Int?
perhapsInt: Int? = nil
2> perhapsInt = 1
3> if let actualInt = perhapsInt {
4.     println("here")
5. }
6> perhapsInt
$R2: Int? = nil

"here" never gets printed, because let actualInt = perhapsInt evaluates to false, because the line perhapsInt = 1 is doing absolutely nothing, so perphapsInt retains its value of nil.

The same occurs if I set perhapsInt to a value during initialization:

1> var perhapsInt: Int? = 5
perhapsInt: Int? = 5
2> perhapsInt
$R1: Int? = nil

Any ideas?


This looks like a bug in the Swift REPL. You should file a Radar.

This snippet works just fine for me inside an Xcode playground:

var perhapsInt: Int?                  // nil
perhapsInt = 1                        // {Some 1}

if let actualInt = perhapsInt {
    actualInt                         // 1

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