How to sort a same column both in asc order and desc order


With an SQL Query how do we get the output of 2 columns, the first one being a column sorted in asc order and the second one with the order desc and both are same columns.


emp table:

The query output should be

empid_1   empid_2
1          9
4          5
5          4
9          1

What OP tried so far

WITH emp1 
         FROM   (SELECT empno 
                 FROM   emp 
                 ORDER  BY 1 ASC)), 
         FROM   (SELECT empno 
                 FROM   emp 
                 ORDER  BY 1 DESC)) 
SELECT emp1.empno, 
FROM   emp1, 
WHERE  emp1.a = emp2.b; 

If you use a common table expression/sub-query factoring clause then you only need to access the table once:

with the_data as (
 select empid
      , row_number() over ( order by empid ) as id_asc
      , row_number() over ( order by empid desc ) as id_desc
   from emp
select a.empid as empid_asc
     , d.empid as empid_desc
  from the_data a
  join the_data d
    on a.id_asc = d.id_desc

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