Passing an attribute name to a function in Python


How do I pass the name of an object's attribute to a function? For example, I tried:

def foo(object, attribute):
    output = str(object.attribute)

class Fruit:
    def __init__(self, color):
        self.color = color

apple = Fruit("red")
foo(apple, color)

but the above doesn't work because Python thinks that, in foo(apple, color), the color refers to an unitialized variable.


You have two problems:

  1. If you try to call foo(apple, color), you get a NameError because color isn't defined in the scope from which you're calling foo; and
  2. If you try to call foo(apple, 'color') you get an AttributeError because Fruit.attribute doesn't exist - you are not, at that point, actually using the attribute argument to foo.

I think what you want to do is access an attribute from a string of the attribute's name, for which you can use getattr:

>>> def foo(obj, attr):
    output = str(getattr(obj, attr))

>>> foo(apple, 'color')

Note that you shouldn't use object as a variable name, as it shadows the built-in type.

As a demonstration of point #2:

>>> class Test:

>>> def demo(obj, attr):

>>> t = Test()
>>> t.attr = "foo"
>>> = "baz"
>>> demo(t, "bar")
bar # the value of the argument 'attr'
foo # the value of the 'Test' instance's 'attr' attribute

Note that neither value is "baz".

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