cannot initialize type with a collection initializer because it does not implement ienumerable


I'm a fairly junior C# developer so please excuse me if this is very easy, but I am getting this error "invalid initializer member declarator" at this line of the code below:

foreach (DataRow p in data.Rows)
  DBTrack top = new DBTrack()
 /* ===> Error starts here */   {
     track.TrackID = SQLDataHelper.GetGuid(dataReader, "TrackID"); 
     track.TrackName = SQLDataHelper.GetString(dataReader, "TrackName");
     track.ArtistName = SQLDataHelper.GetString(dataReader, "ArtistName");
     track.AddedDate = SQLDataHelper.GetDateTime(dataReader, "AddedDate");


Can someone explain what this means and how do I work around and achieve it to display the data?

Here's the full method for your inspection:

 public static List<DBTrack> GetAllTracksFromReaderDB(IDataReader dataReader)
  if (DBTrackData == null)
     DBTrack track = new DBTrack();
     System.Data.DataTable data = new System.Data.DataTable();
     List<DBTrack> daa = new List<DBTrack>();
     DBTrackData = new List<DBTrack>();

     foreach (DataRow p in data.Rows)

     DBTrack top = new DBTrack()
     /* ===> Error starts here */   {
     track.TrackID = SQLDataHelper.GetGuid(dataReader, "TrackID"); 
     track.TrackName = SQLDataHelper.GetString(dataReader, "TrackName");
     track.ArtistName = SQLDataHelper.GetString(dataReader, "ArtistName");
     track.AddedDate = SQLDataHelper.GetDateTime(dataReader, "AddedDate");


  return DBTrackData;



public Guid TrackID { get; set; }
public string TrackName { get; set; }
public string ArtistName { get; set; }
public DateTime AddedDate { get; set; }

Any help would be great :) Thanks

Yuval Itzchakov

Your syntax is invalid for member initialization. You cant instansiate top and try to fill track properties.

It should look like this:

DBTrack top = new DBTrack
   TrackID = SQLDataHelper.GetGuid(dataReader, "TrackID"),
   TrackName = SQLDataHelper.GetString(dataReader, "TrackName"),
   ArtistName = SQLDataHelper.GetString(dataReader, "ArtistName"),
   AddedDate = SQLDataHelper.GetDateTime(dataReader, "AddedDate")

Collected from the Internet

Please contact [email protected] to delete if infringement.

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