mysql group_concat returns null row if one entry in the group is null

Jamie Hutber

I have a rather simple query which looks to combine all results from another table into one json object.


SELECT, s.uid, s.sexnumber, s.rating, s.sextime, s.diary, GROUP_CONCAT(,',') as positions, GROUP_CONCAT(,':',w.who) as who, GROUP_CONCAT('{',
    ) as location, GROUP_CONCAT(,':', as place
    FROM users u join sex s
     on s.uid = u.uid
     LEFT OUTER JOIN whos ws
     ON = ws.sid
     LEFT OUTER JOIN who w
     ON = ws.wid
     LEFT OUTER JOIN locations l
     ON l.sid =
     LEFT OUTER JOIN wheresex whs
     ON whs.sid =
     LEFT OUTER JOIN wherewhere ww
     ON whs.wid =
     LEFT OUTER JOIN positions p
     ON = p.sid
    WHERE u.sessionCheck = '%s'
    ORDER BY s.sextime DESC;

If any of the location results inside the GROUP_CONCAT are NULL then the entire entry will return NULL.

How can I have the individual results that are NULL return this way and anything else with their values?


I must admit that I haven't tried to execute this sort of query before, but I can't see how a coalesce wouldn't do the trick?

SELECT, s.uid, s.sexnumber, s.rating, s.sextime, s.diary, GROUP_CONCAT(,',') as positions, GROUP_CONCAT(,':',w.who) as who, GROUP_CONCAT('{',
    ) as location, GROUP_CONCAT(,':', as place

Edit: I am not sure if I understand your comment correctly, but if you want to add quotes around the values returned by the coalesce you could use a concat function like this:


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