Opening a PDF file that is packaged in a JAR


I am trying to open a PDF file that is packaged into the jar file during runtime. The basic idea is that the user clicks the help option and then it displays a help file that is a PDF. Right now I have this in LineFit.class in the linefit package to try and open the help PDF:

try {
  File test = new File(LineFit.class.getClass().getResource("/linefit/helpTest.pdf").toURI());
  try {
  } catch (IOException e1) {
      // TODO Auto-generated catch block
} catch (URISyntaxException e2) {
  // TODO Auto-generated catch block

It works in eclipse when I run it but if I try to export it to a runnable JAR file it does not open the PDF file and when I look into the JAR, the PDF is in the same folder as when it was in eclipse.


new File(URI) only works for file: URIs. When a classloader finds a resource in a jar, it returns a jar URI, for example jar:file:/C:/Program%20Files/test.jar!/foo/bar.

Fundamentally, the File class is for files on the filesystem. You can't use it to represent a file within a JAR or another archive. You're going to have to copy the file out of the jar and into a regular file, then create a File referencing this new file. To read the file from the jar, you could use JarURLConnection.getInputStream with the URL you have, or you could call ClassLoader.getResourceAsStream.

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