Hiding the first item of an ASP.NET Repeater causes error: not a valid identifier


I'm new in web developing and i'm kind of having a problem with hiding the first row of a Repeater. i know that this is kind of a simple problem but i dont know what is wrong with my codes. I have found a lot of articles and some forums with same problem but it just wont work with my code.

Im encountering this error: 'div1-row' is not a valid identifier.

Please help and thank you in advance.

<div id="div1">
        <asp:Repeater ID="Repeater1" runat="server" OnItemDataBound="Repeater1_ItemDataBound">
                <div id="div1-row" class="div1-row" runat="server">
                    <div class="div1-class">
                        <%# CType(Container.DataItem, System.Data.DataRowView).Item("Mfg").ToString%>
                    <div class="div1-class">
                        <%# CType(Container.DataItem, System.Data.DataRowView).Item("Qty").ToString%>
                    <div class="div1-class">
                            <%# CType(Container.DataItem, System.Data.DataRowView).Item("Availability").ToString%>
                    <div class="div1-class">
                        <%# CType(Container.DataItem, System.Data.DataRowView).Item("QtyRange").ToString%>

 Protected Sub Repeater1_ItemDataBound(sender As Object, e As RepeaterItemEventArgs) Handles Repeater1.ItemDataBound
    If e.Item.ItemIndex = 0 Then
        e.Item.FindControl("div1-row").Visible = False
    End If
End Sub
Tim Schmelter

Update A control ID is valid only if you use:

  • combinations of alphanumeric characters and the underscore character ( _ ) are valid values for this property. Including spaces or other invalid characters will cause an ASP.NET page parser error

So ID="div1-row" is not allowed, use ID="div1_row" instead.

Old answer:

Why don't you make the complete first RepeaterItem invisble?

Protected Sub Repeater1_ItemDataBound(sender As Object, e As RepeaterItemEventArgs) Handles Repeater1.ItemDataBound
    e.Item.Visible = e.Item.ItemIndex <> 0
End Sub

Note that the ItemIndex property only applies to data items in the Repeater control. The ItemType property must be set to ListItemType.Item, ListItemType.AlternatingItem, ListItemType.SelectedItem, or ListItemType.EditItem.

So it works for example not for the Header if you use a HeaderTemplate.

Collected from the Internet

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