Performance issue in iOS 7 due to deprecated methods

Syed Ismail Ahamed

I wonder will there be any performance issue in the app due to deprecated methods? how long can i bear with deprecated methods in iOS7? what if iOS 8 got released and i still have iOS7 deprecated methods in my Code?Any suggestions?


Well if a method is deprecated it means that Apple might remove it in the next version of the framework. This does not mean that they will, but it is better to not use them from the moment they become deprecated.

There should not be a performance using with using deprecated methods.

So if possible you should not use deprecated method, but it will affect your app performance, as you can still run apps that use deprecated methods on iOS 7. Like for example the [UIDevice uniqueIdentifier] was deprecated in iOS 6 and removed in iOS 7 but build for iOS 6 or lower can still call the method. It will not return a value of any use but it will not crash either.

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