creating canvas lines with random/array generated co-ordinates. Not working, why?


I can't figure out why the co-ordinates for the canvas lines aren't being digested using the arrays: any suggestions?

I'm trying to create an algorithm for randomly generated sets of lines which eventually link together from where the last one ended. like a snake that gets longer if you like.

     var c = document.getElementById("playground");
     var ctx = c.getContext("2d"); 

  //global scope
  var i; 
var c1 = []; //c is short for collect
var c2 = [];
var c3 = [];
var c4 = [];

var initiate = function(){ //the buttom that triggers the program

var clock = function(){

 /* if(i){  

  i+=1; //increment each time the..
  //function gets called. 

 var a = Math.round(Math.random()*200); 
 var b = Math.round(Math.random()*200); 
 var c = Math.round(Math.random()*200); 
 var d = Math.round(Math.random()*200); 

   ctx.moveTo(c1[i], c2[i]);  //Here is where the issue seems to be? they don't run.
   ctx.lineTo(c3[i], c4[i]); 


   }; //end of clock


    }; //end of parent function

You are initializing i as var i;. When you increment it, it results in NaN, so just initialize it as var i = 0; or the like instead.

EDIT: Also why your problem is at that line is because you are trying to access the NaNth element of an array, which JavaScript doesn't like.

Collected from the Internet

Please contact [email protected] to delete if infringement.

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