ASM space optimization: EAX vs EBX

Danilo Bargen

I'm working on an x86 assembly code golf puzzle. I'm assembling the source file using NASM:

nasm -f elf32 -O0 main.s
ld -m elf_i386 -s -O0 -o main main.o

Using -O0, all optimizations should be turned off. The goal is to reduce the size of the ELF binary.

While working on the "reference implementation" for the puzzle, I stumbled over a strange behavior. This is a reduced code sample:

section .text
    global _start        ; Must be declared for linker

_start:                  ; Entry point for linker

    add    esp, 8        ; Ignore argc and argv[0] on stack
    pop    eax           ; Store pointer to 'argv[1]' into EAX
    mov    eax, [eax]    ; Dereference pointer
    and    eax, 0xff     ; We only want the least significant byte
    add    eax, -0x30    ; Subtract ascii offset

    mov    eax, 1        ; Syscall: sys_exit
    mov    ebx, 0        ; Exit code 0
    int    0x80          ; Invoke syscall

The binary is 264 bytes:

$ wc -c main
264 main

Now when I simply replace all occurrences of eax in the read_stdin section with ebx, ecx or edx, the binary gets larger:

$ wc -c main
268 main

When comparing the sizes of the object files, the difference is even larger (480 vs 496 bytes). What's special about the eax register that this happens? Is NASM doing some kind of optimization, even though -O0 has been specified?


EAX is the accumulator register. It has special one-byte opcodes for all nine basic operations (ADD, ADC, AND, CMP, OR, SBB, SUB, TEST, and XOR). Also the MOV instruction has a one-byte opcode for moving data into the accumulator from a constant memory location.

The Art of Picking Intel Registers

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