distinct with multiple fields and with where condition in mongodb


I want to write a query equivalent to distinct and where in mongodb. the sql query is select DISTINCT key,score from GPC where note="test2" and notetwo = "meet2"

{ "_id" : ObjectId("4dc86fef6a0aa8513ab5f21c"), "key" : "SAGAR","score" : 16, "note" : "test1", "notetwo" : "meet1" } 
{ "_id" : ObjectId("4dc86ffd6a0aa8513ab5f21d"), "key" : "SAGAR456", "score" : 17, "note" : "testjh1", "notetwo" : "meetjh1" } 
{ "_id" : ObjectId("4dc8700b6a0aa8513ab5f21e"), "key" : "SAGAR33", "score" : 37, "note" : "test2", "notetwo" : "meet2" } 
{ "_id" : ObjectId("4dc871686a0aa8513ab5f21f"), "key" : "SAGAR33", "score" : 37, "note" : "test2", "notetwo" : "meet2" } 
{ "_id" : ObjectId("4dc871696a0aa8513ab5f220"), "key" : "SAGAR33", "score" : 37, "note" : "test2", "notetwo" : "meet2" } 
{ "_id" : ObjectId("4dc8716c6a0aa8513ab5f221"), "key" : "SAGAR456", "score" : 17, "note" : "testjh1", "notetwo" : "meetjh1" } 

Expected result from the query is

[{"key" : "SAGAR33", "score" : 37}]

What is the equivalent query in mongodb. I am using mongoose to execute queries.

Anand Jayabalan

You'll need to use the aggregate queries for achieving this. Here's an example that will work in shell (which can be translated to Mongoose easily):

    // your where clause: note="test2" and notetwo = "meet2"
    {"$match" : {note:"test2", notetwo:"meet2"}}, 
    // group by key, score to get distinct
    {"$group" : {_id : {key:"$key", score:"$score"}}}, 
    // Clean up the output
    {"$project" : {_id:0, key:"$_id.key", score:"$_id.score"}}


{ "result" : [ { "key" : "SAGAR33", "score" : 37 } ], "ok" : 1 }

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