Running JUnit tests from Terminal


I have some JUnit tests that are running in IntelliJ just fine. However, I need to run these same tests from the terminal. My problem is, no matter what I do, I get an error that says:

JUnit version 4.10
Could not find class: com.myCompany.MyTests

I do not know why it is not working. In an attempt to run the unit tests from the command-line, I'm running the following:

java -cp /Applications/IntelliJ\ IDEA\ org.junit.runner.JUnitCore com.myCompany.MyTests

However, the only thing I see is the error listed above. I keep running this command up and down my source directory. Yet, no matter what I can't get any tests to run from the command-line. Yet, they run just fine from within IntelliJ. How do I get my tests to run from the command-line in the same way that they run from within IntelliJ? Is there some way I can view the actual command(s) that IntelliJ runs when running JUnit?

Thank you


Somewhere there is a directory or jar that holds that 'com' directory that is the root of your application's package structure (com/myCompany). That directory or jar needs to be added to the classpath through the -cp flag you are already using.

So say as an example that the class is in:


then you need to add the /workspaces/myproject/bin directory to the classpath.

Collected from the Internet

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