Can't import custom Python module using Eclipse


I am writing Python in Eclipse and I have the following problem.
For example, this is the code of my module:

class HalloWelt:
    def __init__(self):
        self.A = "Hallo"

    def Antwort(self, strPlaintext):
        print strPlaintext

I have saved it as ex1. When I try to import this module from another script, I don't see it in the Autocomplete list.

I have also tried to inherit it like this:

import ram 
class aa(ram.HalloWelt):

but after writing ram.A, it is not showing anything starting with A. Does anyone know what the problem is? Thank you.


If the problem is with autocompletion of import, try to do the following in PyDev [Eclipse], assuming you have default settings of PyDev.

Go to Window -> Preferences -> PyDev -> Editor -> Code Completion.

1) Change Minimum number of chars in qualifier for deep analysis to 3

2) Check Request completion on all letter chars and '_'?

Autocompletion should work fine!

Collected from the Internet

Please contact [email protected] to delete if infringement.

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