Merge child nodes with the similar parent node, xml, python


I have the following xml file:


I would like to transform it to the following file:


How can I do it in python?

My approach to do this task is the following: 1) loop through tags 2) form dictionary key- either 0 or 1, value - 3) for each element in this dictionary find all child nodes: and and append them

Since that, I wrote the following code to implement this (ps I am currently struggling with adding elements to the dictionary, but I will overcome this issue):

def parse():
for children in root:
    print children.tag, children.text
    for child in children:
        print (child.tag,int(child.text))
        if not child.text in list_of_inique_timestamps:
print list_of_inique_timestamps

Here's the solution using xml.etree.ElementTree from python standard library.

The idea is to gather items into defaultdict(list) per article_time text value:

from collections import defaultdict
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET

data = """<root>

tree = ET.fromstring(data)

root = ET.Element('root')
article_date = ET.SubElement(root, 'article_date')
article_date.text = tree.find('.//article_date').text

data = defaultdict(list)
for article_time in tree.findall('.//article_time'):
    text = article_time.text.strip()
    name = article_time.find('./article_name').text
    link = article_time.find('./article_link').text
    data[text].append((name, link))

for time_value, items in data.iteritems():
    article_time = ET.SubElement(article_date, 'article_time')
    article_name = ET.SubElement(article_time, 'article_name')
    article_link = ET.SubElement(article_time, 'article_name')

    article_time.text = time_value
    article_name.text = '+'.join(name for (name, _) in items)
    article_link.text = '+'.join(link for (_, link) in items)

print ET.tostring(root)

prints (prettified):


See, the result is exactly what you were aiming to.

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