kendo grid select cell data on focus

Corey Witherow

Is there a way to highlight (select all the text) in a cell inside a Kendo Grid when focus is on the cell? When I tab or click into the columns I would like the text in that cell to auto highlight. Thank you in advance for any assistance.

I have the below code:

          .Columns(columns =>
              columns.Bound(p => p.Id).Visible(false);
              columns.Bound(p => p.PersonnelName).Width(120);
              columns.Bound(p => p.NumberOfTeams).Width(120);
              columns.Bound(p => p.TeamMembers).Width(110);
              columns.Bound(p => p.Vehicles).Width(80);
              columns.Bound(p => p.Brief).Format("{0:HH:mm}").EditorTemplateName("BriefTimePicker").Width(80);
              columns.Bound(p => p.KickOff).Format("{0:HH:mm}").EditorTemplateName("KickoffTimePicker").Width(80);
              columns.Bound(p => p.Debrief).Format("{0:HH:mm}").EditorTemplateName("DebriefTimePicker").Width(80);
          .Editable(editable => editable.Mode(GridEditMode.InCell))
          .HtmlAttributes(new { style = "height:400px;" })
          .DataSource(dataSource => dataSource
              .Events(events => events.Error("error_handler"))
              .Model(model =>
                  model.Id(p => p.Id);
                  model.Field(p => p.PersonnelName).Editable(false);
                  model.Field(p => p.NumberOfTeams);
                  model.Field(p => p.TeamMembers);
                  model.Field(p => p.Vehicles);
                  model.Field(p => p.Brief);
                  model.Field(p => p.KickOff);
                  model.Field(p => p.Debrief);
             .Read("Personnel_Read", "Schedule", Model)

Add an Edit event to your grid. .Events(x => x.Edit("edit"))

function edit(e) {

    var input = e.container.find("input");     ;       

Collected from the Internet

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