Declaration of @class equivalent for a struct

Nicolas Manzini

I would like to avoid importing AVFoundation framework in my header but I need to declare CMTime.

For NSObject I can do @class AVPlayer; and import everything in the .m file. How to do this with a struct like CMTime?

Sergey Kalinichenko

If you need to reference CMTime struct in the header, you need to include <CMTime.h>: forward-declaring a struct lets you use the name of the type in declarations of pointers, but not in declarations of members of that struct type.

In other words, you can do this:

struct CMTime; // Forward declaration of the struct

@interface MyInterface : NSObject

but you cannot do this:

struct CMTime; // Forward declaration of the struct
@interface MyInterface : NSObject {
    // This is not allowed
    CMTime time;
// This is not allowed either

The reason that you can do @class AVPlayer and then use it in declarations of members is that Objective-C classes (id-types) are implemented as pointers. In fact, you cannot declare variables of an id-type without an asterisk.

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