A strategy for parsing a tab-separated file


What would be the most primitive way of parsing a tab-separated file in Java, so that the tabular data would not lose the structure? I am not looking for a way to do it with Bean or Jsoup, since they are not familiar to me, a beginner. I need advice on what would be the logic behind it and what would be the efficient way to do it, for example if I have a table like

ID reference | Identifier    | Type 1| Type 2  | Type 3 |
1            | red#01        | 15%   |  20%    | 10%    |
2            | yellow#08     | 13%   |  20%    | 10%    |

Correction: In this example I have Types 1 - 3, but my question applies to N number of types.

Can I achieve table parsing by just using arrays or is there a different data structure in Java that would be better for this task? This is how I think I should do it:

  1. Scan/read the first line splitting at "\t" and create a String array.
  2. Split that array into sub-arrays of 1 table heading per sub-array
  3. Then, start reading the next line of the table, and for each sub-array, add the corresponding values from the columns.

Does this plan sound right or am I overcomplicating things/being completely wrong? Is there an easier way to do it? (provided that I still don't know how to split arrays into subarrays and how to populate the subarrays with the values from the table)

Boris the Spider

I would strongly suggest you use a read flat file parsing library for this, like the excellent OpenCSV.

Failing that, here is a solution in Java 8.

First, create a class to represent your data:

static class Bean {

    private final int id;
    private final String name;
    private final List<Integer> types;

    public Bean(int id, String name, List<Integer> types) {
        this.id = id;
        this.name = name;
        this.types = types;



Your suggestion to use various lists is very scripting based. Java is OO so you should use that to your advantage.

Now we just need to parse the file:

public static void main(final String[] args) throws Exception {
    final Path path = Paths.get("path", "to", "file.tsv");
    final List<Bean> parsed;
    try (final Stream<String> lines = Files.lines(path)) {
        parsed = lines.skip(1).map(line -> line.split("\\s*\\|\\s*")).map(line -> {
            final int id = Integer.parseInt(line[0]);
            final String name = line[1];
            final List<Integer> types = Arrays.stream(line).
                    skip(2).map(t -> Integer.parseInt(t.replaceAll("\\D", ""))).
            return new Bean(id, name, types);

In essence the code skips the first line then loops over lines in the file and for each line:

  1. Split the line on the delimiter - seems to be |. This requires regex so you need to escape the pipe as it is a special character. Also we consume any spaces before/after the delimiter.
  2. Create a new Bean for each line by parsing the array elements.
  3. First parse the id to an int
  4. Next get the name
  5. Finally get a Stream of the lines, skip the first two elements, and parse the remaining to a List<Integer>

Collected from the Internet

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