replacing a pandas dataframe row overwrites all columns' dtypes


When I replace a row of a df, it causes an existing column of dtype=int to become float. I would like to keep it as int.

I create the df:

testdate = pd.datetime(2014, 1, 1)
adddata = {'intcol':0,'floatcol':0.0}
df = pd.DataFrame(data=adddata, index=pd.date_range(testdate, periods=1))

As desired, one column is int and the other is float, as confirmed by df.dtypes:

floatcol    float64
intcol        int64
dtype: object

Then I overwrite an existing row (in this case there's only 1) using df.ix[testdate] = pd.Series(adddata). I purposely use the same data to show the issue: the intcol has become float. df.dtypes:

floatcol    float64
intcol      float64
dtype: object

Note that I can change the cells individually (e.g. df.ix[testdate,'floatcol'] = 0.0) and the column dtypes are maintained, but in reality I have far more than 2 columns that I want to overwrite simultaneously so doing them one at a time is cumbersome.


interesting that even specifying the data type as object does not help:

>>> df.loc[testdate,:] = pd.Series(adddata, dtype='object')
>>> df.dtypes
floatcol    float64
intcol      float64
dtype: object

someone may have a better solution, but i noticed that this works:

>>> df.loc[testdate,:] = pd.Series(list(adddata.values()), adddata.keys(), dtype='object')
>>> df.dtypes
floatcol    float64
intcol        int64
dtype: object

but, if the row values are in dict format, probably this would be easier:

>>> df.loc[testdate,:] = list(map(adddata.get, df.columns))
>>> df.dtypes
floatcol    float64
intcol        int64
dtype: object

Collected from the Internet

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