unicode string format misterious KeyError. What's wrong?

Barney Szabolcs

I have the following code at the unicode representation of a django models.Model:

def __unicode__(self):
    if self.right:
        return u"{left} ({left_score}) | {right} ({right_score})".format({
            'left': self.left, 
            'left_score': self.left_score, 
            'right': self.right, 
            'right_score': self.right_score,
        return "%s" % self.left

I get

Exception Type: KeyError
Exception Value: u'left'

I also tried using unicode keys in the dictionary. self.left is not None.
I have read lots of forums still can't figure out what I am doing wrong. :(

How can I fix this?

Tim Wakeham

The format method requires you to pass your arguments as kwargs, not as a dictionary.

def __unicode__(self):
    if self.right:
        return u"{left} ({left_score}) | {right} ({right_score})".format(
        return "%s" % self.left

Collected from the Internet

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