How to find orphaned records that point to different tables (paramerization required)?

Chris W

Table ( A ) has a 1-1 relation with many tables ( B, C, D, ... ) and is defined by two columns:

  • ObjectType(nvarchar(100)) // name of the other table
  • _Guid(uniqueidentifier) // record ID in the other table

Additionally, all tables contain an IsDeleted(bit) column.

The question is:

How to list all the records from (A) that point to non-existing record in B, C, D, (...) OR to the record that has IsDeleted = 1 set?

The following will not work because ObjectType must be a parameter:

SELECT ObjectType, _Guid FROM A
        select * from ObjectType where oid = _Guid

The following will also not work:

SELECT ObjectType, _Guid FROM A
        exec('select * from '+ObjectType+' where oid =''' + _Guid + '''')

What am I missing?

Chris W

This terrible SQL below seems to work:

    idx smallint Primary Key IDENTITY(1,1)
    , ObjectType nvarchar(200)
    , _Guid nvarchar(100)
    , Oid nvarchar(100)
DECLARE @orphanedA_tmpTable TABLE (
    Oid nvarchar(100)
DECLARE @_objectType nvarchar(200)
DECLARE @_Guid nvarchar(100)
DECLARE @_oid nvarchar(100)
DECLARE @i int, @numrows int  
DECLARE @found bit

-- populate temp table
INSERT @A_tmpTable SELECT ObjectType, _Guid, Oid FROM A WHERE IsDeleted = 0
--SELECT * FROM @A_tmpTable

-- foreach the @A_tmpTable
SET @i = 1;
SET @numrows = (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM @A_tmpTable)
--SELECT @i, @numrows 
IF @numrows > 0
    WHILE (@i <= @numrows)
        SET @ObjectType = (SELECT TOP 1 ObjectType FROM @A_tmpTable WHERE idx = @i);
        SET @_Guid = (SELECT TOP 1 _Guid FROM @A_tmpTable WHERE idx = @i);
        SET @_oid = (SELECT TOP 1 Oid FROM @A_tmpTable WHERE idx = @i);

        DECLARE @SQL nvarchar(max) = 'IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM '+@ObjectType+' WHERE OID =''' + @_Guid + ''' AND IsDeleted = 0) 
                SET @found = 1;
                SET @found = 0;
        -- check if table record exists and save the result in the @found variable
        exec sp_executesql @SQL, N'@found bit out', @found out

        IF @found = 0
            INSERT INTO @orphanedA_tmpTable (Oid) VALUES (@_oid);

        SET @i = @i + 1

SELECT * FROM A WHERE Oid IN (SELECT Oid FROM @orphanedA_tmpTable)

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