Get rows with matching values in column in same table


I have the following DDLs...

  `id_product` int(10),
  `id_manufacturer` int(10)

INSERT INTO `product` (`id_product`, `id_manufacturer`) VALUES

CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `feature_product` (
  `id_feature` int(10),
  `id_product` int(10),
  `id_feature_value` int(10)

INSERT INTO `feature_product` (`id_feature`, `id_product`, `id_feature_value`) VALUES
(5, 1, 9),
(5, 2, 9),
(5, 3, 10),
(5, 4, 10),
(7, 5, 10);!2/cbe05/1/0

Can you explain me please, how I can get - all Products with the same Manufacturer and the same Feature_value?

Now (in project) I do it with 2 additional SELECT's (for getting id_manufacturer and id_feature_value), but maybe there are more correct (and fast) way?

Thanks for your time and sorry for my English)

I need too see result like this:

id_product | 
1          |
2          |

only this 2 products have same manufacturer and (at the same time) same feature value



SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(p.id_product SEPARATOR '\n') AS Products FROM product p INNER JOIN feature_product fp ON (p.id_product = fp.id_product AND fp.id_feature = 5) GROUP BY p.id_manufacturer, fp.id_feature_value HAVING COUNT(p.id_manufacturer) > 1 AND COUNT(fp.id_feature_value)>1;

This will give you the list of Products having multiple Manufacturer Id and Feature Value in a single line, separated by a newline character. You can change the separator as your requirement.

Here is the SQL Fiddle link:!2/cbe05/70

Collected from the Internet

Please contact [email protected] to delete if infringement.

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