How do I speed up my puppet module development-testing cycle?


I'm looking for some best practices on how to increase my productivity when writing new puppet modules. My workflow looks like this right now:

  1. vagrant up
  2. Make changes/fixes
  3. vagrant provision
  4. Find mistakes/errors, GOTO 2

After I get through all the mistakes/errors I do:

  1. vagrant destroy
  2. vagrant up
  3. Make sure everything is working
  4. commit my changes

This is too slow... how can i make this workflow faster?
I am in denial about writing tests for puppet. What are my other options?

  • cache your apt/yum repository on your host with the vagrant-cachier plugin
  • use profile –evaltrace to find where you loose time on full provisioning
  • use package base distribution :
    • eg: rvm install ruby-2.0.0 vs a pre-compiled ruby package created with fpm
    • avoid a "wget the internet and compile" approach
    • this will probably make your provisioning more reproducible and speedier.
  • don't code modules
    • try reusing some from the forge/github/...
    • note that it can be against my previous advice
  • if this is an option, upgrade your puppet/ruby version
  • iterate and prevent full provisioning
    • vagrant up
    • vagrant provision
    • modify manifest/modules
    • vagrant provision
    • modify manifest/modules
    • vagrant provision
    • vagrant destroy
    • vagrant up
    • launch server-spec
  • minimize typed command
    • launch command as you modify your files
    • you can perhaps setup guard to launch lint/test/spec/provision as you save
    • you can also send notifications from guest to host machine with vagrant-notify
  • test without actually provisioning in vagrant
  • test your provisioning instead of manual checking
    • stop vagrant ssh-ing checking if service is running or a config has a given value
    • launch server-spec
    • take a look at Beaker
  • delegate running the test to your preferred ci server (jenkins, travis-ci,...)
  • if you are a bit fustrated by puppet... take a look at ansible
    • easy to setup (no ruby to install/compile)
    • you can select portion of stuff you want to run with tags
    • you can share the playbooks via synched folders and run ansible in the vagrant box locally (no librairian-puppet to launch)

update : after discussion with @garethr, take a look at his last presentation about guard.

Collected from the Internet

Please contact [email protected] to delete if infringement.

edited at


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