How could I form a tsql query with 'and' and 'not' for a result


I have the following question:

For each city display the number of clients who only rented cars of type 'Toyota' or 'BMW' and never rented 'Mercedes'

The tables are as follows:

Car [CarId int, type varchar(30)]

Client [ClientId int, CityId int, Name varchar(30)]

City [CityId int, CityName varchar(30)]

Rent [CarId int, ClientId int, days_number int]

I don't know how would I formulate this query I tried hard but nothing worked until now.


Declare @count1 int, @count2 int

Select @count1 = Count(*)

From Client inner join Rent

on Client.ClientId = Rent.ClientId

inner join Car

on Car.CarId = Rent.CarId

Where Car.type In( 'Toyota','BMW')


Select @count2 = Count(*)

From Client inner join Rent

on Client.ClientId = Rent.ClientId

inner join Car

on Car.CarId = Rent.CarId

Where Car.type = 'Merccedes'

Select (@count1 - @count2)

Collected from the Internet

Please contact [email protected] to delete if infringement.

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