Change the least significant bit (LSB) in java

Douglas Grealis

I am trying to change the LSB of a numerical value, say 50 which LSB is 0 because 50 % 2 is 0 (remainder operator) to a value of 1. Thus change the LSB from 0 to 1 in this case. The code is below:

//Get the LSB from 50 using the modulas operator
lsb = 50 % 2;

//if the character equals 1
//and the least significant bit is 0, add 1
if(binaryValue == '1' && lsb ==0)
     //This clearly does not work.
     //How do I assign the altered LSB (1) to the value of 50?
     50 = lsb + 1;

I am having problems inside the if statement, where I am tying to assign the altered LSB, which in this case is 1 to the value of 50. This is not the full code, thus all values are different. Thanks


The xor operation ^ can be used to flip the value of a single bit. For example

int value = 4;
value = value ^ 1;

Will output 5 since the least significant bit was changed to one.

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