Mach-O Linker Error When Adding Unit Tests - XCode


I'm trying to add OCUnit tests to an existing project (in XCode 4.6.3). I followed the instructions here - however I'm getting 78 Mach-O errors only when trying to run the tests. I can compile the main target just fine.

One thing to note I have not modified the tests yet, they are just the standard template. I'm not sure example what I'm doing wrong.

One error message

Undefined symbols for architecture i386: "_AudioComponentFindNext", referenced from: l651 in libNuanceSpeechAnywhere.a(libSpeechKit.a-i386-master.o) l652 in libNuanceSpeechAnywhere.a(libSpeechKit.a-i386-master.o)

Here is a screen shot of a bunch of the errors.

enter image description here

Enrico Susatyo

You have to add AudioUnit framework to your project first and then rebuild it.

This is how you add frameworks to your project.

Collected from the Internet

Please contact [email protected] to delete if infringement.

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