Laravel: How do I create a custom pivot model?


I'm working on a project that has a many to many relationship between User and Club. This relationship works and I can get the respective objects with: $user->clubs. The pivot table I've named memberships. I can get the pivot data with $club->pivot. Foreign keys are defined for the memberships table in migrations.

However, I'd like the pivot table to be represented by a model so that I can easily update attributes of Membership such as role (Or even add a Role model to Membership!) or status.

I've looked at "Defining A Custom Pivot Model" in the docs, but what it says doesn't work for me, I get:

ErrorException Argument 1 passed to Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model::__construct() must be of the type array, object given

I've also looked at this description of how to do it, but it's more or less the same as above.

Membership model:

class Membership extends Eloquent {

protected $table = 'memberships';

public function user()
    return $this->belongsTo('User');

public function club()
    return $this->belongsTo('Club');

Has anyone done this before?


This has been solved by a suggestion by a reddit user to extend Pivot in my Membership model. I also had to add ->withPivot('status', 'role')->withTimestamps() to the relationship declarations in the User and Club models.

Collected from the Internet

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