Clear autocomplete field value after select address


I am trying to build an app based on Google Maps and I have create an autocomplete field that allowing the end user to enter his address manualy.

Also, my app, requires the start address of a trip to located within predefined by the admin boundaries.

What I like to do, is when the end user try to enter the start trip address, and the address it is outside the boundaries, to clear the autocomplete field.

Unfortunatelly I cannot clear the field. While the console show me the value of the field empty, the browser still contains the last entered address.

The code I am using is the following:

//  Build a new AutoComplete object
autocomplete            =   new google.maps.places.Autocomplete(
    $addressField[0],    //  Set the address field
        types   :   [
        bounds  :   map.getBounds()

//  Add an event listener for autocomplete object
    'place_changed',                //  And track the change event
        var place           =   autocomplete.getPlace();
        var latLng          =   new google.maps.LatLng(,   place.geometry.location.lng());
        var isWithinPolygon =   areaPolygon.containsLatLng(latLng);

            // NOTE : I have also try the .val() method but with no effect.
            $addressField.attr('value', '').attr('data-lat',  '').attr('data-lng', '');
            console.warn('This address it is not located within the area boundaries');
            $addressField.attr('data-lat','data-lng', place.geometry.location.lng());

Finally, here is my screen shot on my App and on my Console:

Application Screenshot

enter image description here

Element inspection

enter image description here

Console Messages

enter image description here

Can somebody to help me with this issue ?


Additionally clear the place-property of the autocomplete:


Collected from the Internet

Please contact [email protected] to delete if infringement.

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