iPython: 'no module named' ImportError


Windows: I have the Python package CVXOPT installed on my computer for the regular Python distribution, though not specifically with Anaconda, so it imports fine when I'm doing text editor/cmd python scripting. I tried installing CVXOPT with Anaconda, but that didn't work so I'm having to import the library directly when working with iPython.

My directory structure looks like:


The error occurs when I run this code in an iPython notebook:

import sys
import cvxopt

The error:

ImportError: No module named cvxopt

How can I fix this? Perhaps I'm appending the path incorrectly?

Maxime Lorant

You're defining a path a bit too deep in your file tree. You need to add to sys.path the folder just before your module:

import sys

import cvxopt

Here, cvxopt can be found in the site-packages folder. If you add the cvxopt folder in the sys path, it'll search a module of that name in the folder itself and will not checked the base folder.

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