Brace expansion with range in fish shell


In bash, I can do the following

$ echo bunny{1..6}
bunny1 bunny2 bunny3 bunny4 bunny5 bunny6

Is there a way to achieve the same result in fish?


The short answer is echo bunny(seq 6)

Longer answer: In keeping with fish's philosophy of replacing magical syntax with concrete commands, we should hunt for a Unix command that substitutes for the syntactic construct {1..6}. seq fits the bill; it outputs numbers in some range, and in this case, integers from 1 to 6. fish (to its shame) omits a help page for seq, but it is a standard Unix/Linux command.

Once we have found such a command, we can leverage command substitutions. The command (foo)bar performs command substitution, expanding foo into an array, and may result in multiple arguments. Each argument has 'bar' appended.

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