How can I handle Connection timed out error in ruby Net/HTTP?


I try this code, but when the proxy is too slow I get connection timed out error. How can I solve this? I tried Exception handling but doesn't work. Can anybody help?'', nil, '', '808').start { |http|  

        response = http.request  
        p response  
      rescue Timeout::Error  
        p 'timed out'   
Simone Carletti

The Timeout::Error is raised by the Net::HTTP.connect method that is executed by start, not by request.

It means that in order to rescue the timeout, the whole Net::HTTP call should be inside the begin block.

  begin'', nil, '', '808').start do |http|  
      response = http.request  
      p response  
  rescue Timeout::Error  
    p 'timed out'   

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