Javascript only firing once


long-time lurker here asking my first public questions because I am truly stuck.

I'm working on a hosted shopping cart platform so I only have access to add code in certain designated divs. I have a javascript code that I'm calling externally (because inline is bad unless you have to, right?)

So my issue is, There is a <select> dropdown that I do NOT have direct access to change HTML and the silly shopping cart platform didn't give it an id, only the name attribute is set.

I need to clear the <div id="result_div"> when the <select name="ShippingSpeedChoice"> drop-down is clicked so I have:

$("[name=ShippingSpeedChoice]").change(function(e) { $("#result_div").empty(); });

It fires once, but that's it. My question is, how do I make it fire EVERY TIME the <select name="ShippingSpeedChoice"> is clicked?

Here's all the relevant javascript (in case it's preventing #result_div from clearing somewhere):

    $("[name=ShippingSpeedChoice]").change(function(e) {

    $("#btn_calc").click(function(e) {      /// onclick on Calculate Delivery Date button

Thanks in advance, any help is appreciated!


I still wasn't able to use the name attribute to call the function, so I found a way around it by using the id of the td the ShippingSpeedChoice dropdown was in:

    $("#DisplayShippingSpeedChoicesTD").change(function(e) {

And it fires every time now. Thank you so much for all your feedback & assistance - I still wish I could figure out how to use the name attribute rather than the id, but that will be a puzzle for another day!

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