Reading a certain bit from a u32int


I input a value containing an unsigned 32-bit int and I want to read bit number 19. How can I do that?

This is the input I want to read the bit from:

uint32 Input = u32AHI_DioReadInput();
int x = ??? 

I tried using Input(19) and input[19] but i didn't work cause the first one is a function and the second is considered as if it is an array. I know that I should and some of the bits and shift them but I just don't know how can I do that.

Sergey Kalinichenko

When you need to read a single bit n, shift the number right by n positions, and cut out all bits except the last one, like this:

int x = (Input >> n) & 1;

The >> n shifts the content by n bits to the right; the & 1 does a bitwise "AND" with one (its binary representation has only the lowest bit set to one, all other bits contain zeros);

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