Apple Mach-O Linker Error even with the .m files added to Compile Sources of Build Phases


I know this is some typical beginner question to use Xcode, but it's just confusing.

Basically, I git cloned a project from github. (forked)

Both projects are updated fairly recently,

AppRTCDemo.xcodeproj some refactoring 18 hours ago

and the readme says:

To build XCode iOS app only:

project location: webrtc-ios/ios-example/AppRTCDemo.xcodeproj
Open the XCode project and set target for iPad
Build and run
Should work without changes

but, end up with many warning and errors. Yes, I understand Apple Mach-O Linker Error typically occurs when *.m files are not added to Compile Sources of Build Phases, so I confirmed that.

It looks like the whole *.m files are included there (see the last attached image), so I know nothing to do more.

Can anyone give advice on this issue? Thanks in advance.

enter image description here

enter image description here

enter image description here


As I understand you are trying to build app to the iPad simulator.

Seems like this project doesn't work in iOS simulator, only on real device

Here is how Xcode looks like when I use real device - no errors:

Here is how Xcode looks like when I use real device - no errors

Here is how Xcode looks like when I use iOS simulator - lots of errors like in your question:

Here is how Xcode looks like when I use iOS simulator

Collected from the Internet

Please contact [email protected] to delete if infringement.

edited at


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