JUnit Test against an interface without having the implementation yet


I try to write a test for a given interface like that with JUnit and have no idea how to do that:

public interface ShortMessageService {

     * Creates a message. A message is related to a topic
     * Creates a date for the message
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException, if the message is longer then 255 characters.
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException, if the message ist shorter then 10 characters.
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException, if the user doesn't exist
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException, if the topic doesn't exist
     * @throws NullPointerException, if one argument is null.
     * @param userName
     * @param message
     * @return ID of the new created message
    Long createMessage(String userName, String message, String topic);


I tried to mock the interface after I realized that it doesn't make sense at all so I am a bit lost. Maybe someone can give me a good approach I can work with. I also heard about junit parameterized tests but I am not sure if that is what I am looking for.

Many thanks!


I use the following pattern to write abstract tests against my interface APIs without having any implementations available. You can write whatever tests you require in AbstractShortMessageServiceTest without having to implement them at that point in time.

public abstract class AbstractShortMessageServiceTest
     * @return A new empty instance of an implementation of FooManager.
    protected abstract ShortMessageService getNewShortMessageService();

    private ShortMessageService testService;

    public void setUp() throws Exception
        testService = getNewShortMessageService();

    public void testFooBar() throws Exception 
        assertEquals("question", testService.createMessage(
                                             "DeepThought", "42", "everything"));

When you have an implementation, you can use the test simply by defining a new test class that overrides AbstractShortMessageServiceTest and implements the getNewShortMessageService method.

public class MyShortMessageServiceTest extends AbstractShortMessageServiceTest
    protected ShortMessageService getNewShortMessageService()
        return new MyShortMessageService();

In addition, if you need the test to be parameterized, you can do that in AbstractShortMessageServiceTest without doing it in each of the concrete tests.

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