handle json response in jquery ajax


I want to retrieve data from database as a single row of string separated with '|' for which i am using json/ajax/WebMethod


var request = {
    RefNo: $('#txtRefNo').val()
var strRequest = JSON.stringify(request);
$('#divDialog').html('<div>Retrieving Information...</div>').dialog({ title: 'Please Wait...', modal: true, resizable: false, draggable: false });
    url: 'ajaxExecute.aspx/GETCUST',
    data: strRequest,
    dataType: "text",
    contentType: "application/json",
    cache: false,
    context: document.body,
    type: 'POST',
    error: function (xhr) {
    success: function (response) {                                        


public static void GETCUST(string RefNo)
        DataTable dtOutput = new DataTable();
        dtOutput = Generix.getData("dbo.customers", "[first_name],[middle_name]", "reference_no='" + RefNo + "'", "", "", 1);
        if (dtOutput.Rows.Count > 0)
            HttpContext.Current.Response.Write(dtOutput.Rows[0][0].ToString() + "|" + dtOutput.Rows[0][1].ToString());
    catch (Exception xObj)
        HttpContext.Current.Response.Write("ERROR: " + xObj.Message);

I am getting output with {"d":null} in it. How to remove it from response ? or am i doing something wrong in code



You are getting {"d":null} because your WebMethod has no return value, you are just writing to the Response object.

You should return a string from your method :

public static string GETCUST(string RefNo) {
    try {
        DataTable dtOutput = new DataTable();
        dtOutput = Generix.getData("dbo.customers", "[first_name],[middle_name]", "reference_no='" + RefNo + "'", "", "", 1);
        if (dtOutput.Rows.Count > 0) {
            return dtOutput.Rows[0][0].ToString() + "|" + dtOutput.Rows[0][1].ToString();
    } catch (Exception xObj) {
        return "ERROR: " + xObj.Message;

And then the returned object will be {"d":"JAMES|BOND"}, which can be accessed via response.d in your javascript.

    url: 'ajaxExecute.aspx/GETCUST',
    data: strRequest,
    dataType: 'JSON', // Changed dataType to be JSON so the response is automatically parsed.
    contentType: "application/json",
    cache: false,
    context: document.body,
    type: 'POST',
    error: function (xhr) {
    success: function (response) {
        alert(response.d); // Should correctly alert JAMES|BOND

Please note that in the Javascript I have changed the dataType of the Ajax response to be JSON so that the response is parsed.

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