How to select the sencond,third record of each category?


I want get the 2nd and 3nd largest of each category? How to do this ? Sorry my bad English

I have table tin_tuc like this

||id || id_cat ||some information
||1  || 1      ||      
||2  || 1      ||
||3  || 1      ||
||4  || 1      ||
||5  || 2      ||
||6  || 2      || 
||7  || 3      ||
||8  || 3      ||
||9  || 3      ||

Now i want to get two record each category that have value large 2nd and 3th(top 3 except largest value).
the out put i want

||id || id_cat ||some information
||2  || 1      ||
||3  || 1      ||
||5  || 2      ||
||6  || 2      || 
||8  || 3      ||
||9  || 3      ||

The following query will return top 2nd and 3rd song based on category from a table:

set @num := 0, @category := '';

    songID, `categoryId`, hits
        select songID, categoryid, hits,
              @num := if(@category = `categoryid`, @num + 1, 1) as row_number,
              @category := `categoryid` as dummy
          from songs
          where categoryid is not null
          order by `categoryid`, hits desc
        ) as temptable

    where temptable.row_number=3 or temptable.row_number=2;

here i am sorting all records by category and hits(my priority for example you can select your highest point holding field) in sub-query and then giving each record an incrementing number starting from 1 and resetting when category changes then finally i select 2nd and 3rd record in outer query.

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