Bulk Insert Many-to-Many Relationship

Colin M

I have an entities defined as:

class Group {

    // some irrelevant fields

    private List<User> users;

class User {

    // some irrelevant fields

    private List<Group> groups;

In my interface, I'm trying to provide a way to add users to a group in a sort of bulk-entry form. Is there a way to allow the insertion of a new many-to-many entry, without having to load the entire collection of users in a group first?

JB Nizet

One of the side has to be the inverse side, using mappedBy. You just need to update the owner side.

So if you make User the owner side, you just need to add the group to the user.

If that is not sufficient, then consider using SQL.

Also, targetEntity is redundant with the generic type of the list. You don't need it.

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