Scatter polar plot in matlab

Mike Nelson

I'm trying to do a wedge plot (right ascension vs redshift). I was thinking I could use a scatter plot in polar coordinates. The polar function in matlab seems very limited. Even this


gives me an error:

Error using polar (line 23)
Too many input arguments.

Is there a simple way to achieve what I want using Matlab? Do you know of another software that would do it easily?



Luis Mendo

Matlab is quite adequate for that, I think.

As for the polar function, it seems it doesn't allow properties (such as 'linewidth') to be specified directly. But you can get a handle to the created object and then set its 'linewidth', or other properties:

h = polar(a(:,1),a(:,2));

If you want a scatter plot, maybe you'd prefer not to have lines, but instead to plot a marker (such as a dot) at each point:

h = polar(a(:,1),a(:,2),'.');


enter image description here

To see a list of properties that you can set, as well as their current values, type


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