Extension Method On Casted Type


I have a simple enum, that looks something like the following:

public enum Brand
    [Description("Friendly Brand Name")]

    [Description("Once Again")]
} // eo enum Brand

I have an extension method with the following signature:

public static string ToDescription(this Enum self) { /* .. implementation .. */ }

A quick check in LINQPad shows me that:

Brand brand = Brand.Brand1;

... all works as intended.

Now comes the fun part. In my code, at this point I want to iterate through the values of an arbituary enum (in this case Brand), and I've only got a System.Type to go on. First, I implemented a quick extension method for Array:

public static IEnumerable<object> AsEnumerable(this Array self)
    foreach(object o in self)
        yield return o;
} // eo AsEnumerable

Knowing that my type is an Enum, I iterate through the values thusly (where type is the actual Brand enum type) (Note: CastTo is just a shorthand extension method for Convert.ChangeType):

foreach (var enumValue in Enum.GetValues(type).AsEnumerable().Select((e) => e.CastTo(type)))

And I get the following runtime error:

'MyNameSpace.Brand' does not contain a definition for 'ToDescription'

Debugging, in the immediate window the type of enumValue is indeed Brand. I am guessing this may have something to do with the way extension methods work - or that I am missing something obvious. Perhaps there's a workaround?

King King

I think your CastTo just changes the type at runtime, why not use the Cast<T> instead?

foreach (var enumValue in Enum.GetValues(type).Cast<Enum>())

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