How to shut down a second UI thread


I need to be able to start up a window on a second UI thread and shut it down again at will.

This is my current code:

/// <summary>Show or hide the simulation status window on its own thread.</summary>
private void toggleSimulationStatusWindow(bool show)
    if (show)
        if (statusMonitorThread != null) return;
        statusMonitorThread = new System.Threading.Thread(delegate()
            Application.Run(new AnalysisStatusWindow(ExcelApi.analyisStatusMonitor));
        if (statusMonitorThread != null) 
        statusMonitorThread = null;

AnalysisStatusWindow is a fairly basic System.Windows.Forms.Form

The above code is successfully creating the new UI thread, but my request to Abort the thread is ignored. The result is that toggling the above function multiple times simply results in new windows opening up - all of which are on their own thread and fully functional.

Is there any way I can pass a message to this thread to shut down nicely? Failing that, is there any way to make sure Abort() really kills my second UI thread?

I've tried using new Form().Show() and .ShowDialog() instead of Application.Run(new Form()), but they aren't any easier to shut down.

If anyone is questioning the need for a separate UI thread, this code exists in an Excel Add-in, and I cannot control the fact that the Excel UI blocks while calculations for a given cell are underway. For that reason, when a long running custom formula executes, I require this second UI thread to display progress updates.


Thanks to Hans for his comment. I solved my problem using the following code:

/// <summary>Show or hide the simulation status window on its own thread.</summary>
private void toggleSimulationStatusWindow(bool show)
    if (show)
        if (statusMonitorThread != null) return;
        statusMonitorWindow = new AnalysisStatusWindow(ExcelApi.analyisStatusMonitor);
        statusMonitorThread = new System.Threading.Thread(delegate()
    else if (statusMonitorThread != null)
        statusMonitorWindow.BeginInvoke((MethodInvoker)delegate { statusMonitorWindow.Close(); });
        statusMonitorThread = null;
        statusMonitorWindow = null;

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