Type Parameters on Scala Macro Annotations

Imran Rashid

I'm trying to use macro annotations in scala, where my macro annotation would take an argument of another type. It would then use scala reflection to look at the passed in type, and add some methods as appropriate.Eg.

trait MyTrait {
  def x: Int
  def y: Float

@MyAnnotation class MyClass //<-- somehow, this annotation should reference MyTrait

class MyAnnotation(val target: Any) extends StaticAnnotation {
  def macroTransform(annottees: Any*) = macro MyAnnotationImpl.impl
object MyAnnotationImpl {
  def impl(c: Context)(annottees: c.Expr[Any]*): c.Expr[Any] = {
    // if I can get a handle on the type MyTrait in here
    // then I can call .members on it, etc.

Basically, the same thing as Using Scala reflection in Scala macros, except using macro annotations. However, when I try to template my macro annotation with a TypeTag

class MyAnnotation[T](val target: Any) extends StaticAnnotation {
  def macroTransform[T](annottees: Any*) = macro MyAnnotationImpl.impl[T]
object MyAnnotationImpl {
  def impl[T: c.WeakTypeTag](c: Context)(annottees: c.Expr[Any]*): c.Expr[Any] = {

I get

[error] /Users/imran/other_projs/learn_macros/macros/src/main/scala/com/imranrashid/oleander/macros/MacrosWithReflection.scala:7: macro annotation has wrong shape:
[error]   required: def macroTransform(annottees: Any*) = macro ...
[error]   found   : def macroTransform[T](annottees: Any*) = macro ...
[error] class MyAnnotation[T](val target: Any) extends StaticAnnotation {
[error]       ^

I've also tried to make the type an argument to my annotation, so I would use it like @MyAnnotation(MyTrait) class Foo .... I can extract the name as a String with something like

val targetTrait = c.prefix.tree match {
  case Apply(Select(New(Ident(_)), nme.CONSTRUCTOR), List(Ident(termName))) => termName

but, I'm not sure what I can do w/ that String to get back the full type. I've also tried variants like @MyAnnotation(typeOf[MyTrait]) class Foo ..., and then use c.eval on the typeOf inside my macro, but that doesn't compile either.

Eugene Burmako

In macro paradise 2.0.0-SNAPSHOT we have quite a tricky way of accessing type parameters for macro annotations (the situation will improve later on when we have dedicated APIs for that, but right now it's very difficult to introduce new functionality to scala-reflect.jar in macro paradise, so the current API is a bit rough).

For now it's necessary to specify the type parameter on the annotation class and not to declare any type parameters on the macroTransform method. Then, in macro expansion, access c.macroApplication and extract the untyped tree corresponding to the passed type parameter. Afterwards, do c.typeCheck as described in Can't access Parent's Members while dealing with Macro Annotations.

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