How Do I use the formats in DateTime::Locale with a DateTime object?


DateTime::Locale has a very comprehensive list of date and time formats for various locales and countries. I would like to use it in emails to customers, depending on which country the customer is from.

Unfortunately, it is a little hard to understand from the documentation how to actually use the functions for a medium or a long date. For example, DateTime::Locale::de_DE lists these date formats (excerpt) in the doc:

 2008-02-05T18:30:30 = 5. Februar 2008
 1995-12-22T09:05:02 = 22. Dezember 1995
-0010-09-15T04:44:23 = 15. September -10

 2008-02-05T18:30:30 = 05.02.2008
 1995-12-22T09:05:02 = 22.12.1995
 -0010-09-15T04:44:23 = 15.09.-010

This is great. According to DateTime::Locale::Base there are methods in the locale object to get these formats: $locale->date_format_long() and $locale->date_format_medium().

After some googling I came up with Sinan Ünür's blog, where he shows this code (excerpt):

for my $locale ( qw(ar da de en_GB es fr ru tr) ) {
    $dt->set_locale( $locale );
    print_date( $dt );

sub print_date {
    my ($dt) = @_;
    my $locale = $dt->locale;

        "In %s: %s\n", $locale->name,

So the format that comes out of these methods is a cldr format. Cool. But what Sinan shows looks tedius. In short, it would be:

for (qw( ar da de en_GB es fr ru tr )) {
  my $dt2 = DateTime->now( locale => $_ );
  printf "%s: %s\n", $_, $dt2->format_cldr($dt2->locale->date_format_long);

In order to make that shorter, I could of course do something like this:

package DateTime;

sub stringify_long {
  return $_[0]->format_cldr($_[0]->locale->date_format_long);

package Main;
use strict; use warnings;    
use DateTime;

my $dt = DateTime->now( locale => 'de_DE' );
print $dt->stringify_long;

But I don't want to do that. So my question: Is there a way to stringify a DateTime object according to one of these formats from its locale with a build-in method that I am missing?


I'm not sure what your opposition is to Sinan Ünür's method, so I don't know if this will appeal to you or not, but you can specify a formatter object to control stringification of DateTime objects:

use DateTime;
use DateTime::Format::CLDR;
use DateTime::Locale;

my $locale = DateTime::Locale->load('de_DE');
my $formatter = DateTime::Format::CLDR->new(
    pattern => $locale->date_format_long,
    locale => $locale
my $dt = DateTime->now( locale => $locale, formatter => $formatter );
print $dt;


use DateTime;
use DateTime::Format::CLDR;
use DateTime::Locale;

my $locale = DateTime::Locale->load('de_DE');
my $dt = DateTime->now( locale => $locale );
my $formatter = DateTime::Format::CLDR->new(
    pattern => $locale->date_format_long,
    locale => $locale
print $dt;

The nice thing about this approach is that once you've set a formatter, printing the date is easy-peasy.

Collected from the Internet

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