Pass by reference issue C++


Could someone help explain why when I multiply 2 numbers it returns 0, but 3 and 4 numbers it works?

I wrote this for a class but I just cant see whats wrong with it, Thanks.

Function is to multiply 2,3, or 4 numbers using overloaded functions and passing the product by reference.

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

void mult(int& product, int n1, int n2);
void mult(int& product, int n1, int n2, int n3);
void mult(int& product, int n1, int n2, int n3, int n4);

int main() {
    int product, n1, n2, n3, n4;
    char ans;

    do {
        product = 0;
        n1 = 0;
        n2 = 0;
        n3 = 0;
        n4 = 0;
        cout << "Enter 2-4 numbers to multiply\n";
        cout << "First number: ";
        cin >> n1;
        cout << "Second number: ";
        cin >> n2;
        cout << "Enter a 3rd number? (y/n):";
        cin >> ans;

        if (ans == 'y') {
            cout << "Third number: ";
            cin >> n3;
            cout << "Enter a 4th number? (y/n):";
            cin >> ans;
        } else {
            mult(product, n1, n2);

        if (ans == 'y') {
            cout << "Fourth number: ";
            cin >> n4;
            mult(product, n1, n2, n3, n4);
        } else {
            mult(product, n1, n2, n3);

        cout << "The product is " << product << endl << n1 << n2 << n3 << n4;
        cout << "Would you like to calculate another? (y/n):";
        cin >> ans;

    } while (ans == 'y');


void mult(int& product, int n1, int n2)
    product = (n1 * n2);
    cout << product;
void mult(int& product, int n1, int n2, int n3)
    product = (n1 * n2 * n3);
void mult(int& product, int n1, int n2, int n3, int n4)
    product = (n1 * n2 * n3 * n4);
Captain Giraffe

It is because your control structures executes the statement


Even when you only intended mult(product,n1,n2). With only two numbers, n3 will be 0. So the result is zero as well.

You can solve it by restructuring it like this:

   cout << "Enter a 3rd number? (y/n):";
    cin >> ans;

    if (ans == 'y') {
        cout << "Third number: ";
        cin >> n3;
        cout << "Enter a 4th number? (y/n):";
        cin >> ans;
        if (ans == 'y') {
            cout << "Fourth number: ";
            cin >> n4;
            mult(product, n1, n2, n3, n4);
        } else {
            // Three numbers
            mult(product, n1, n2, n3);
    } else {
        // Two numbers
        mult(product, n1, n2);

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