Allowing only certain files to view by .htaccess


i have almost 20 pages on server, but i want only a file named abc.php, which users can watch. i want if user forcefully open the other files like // .htaccess shows 403 error.

<Files ~ "^(?!(changepwd|login|register|remind|securitycode|registersuggest)\.php$).*(\.php)$">
AuthName "Reserved Area"
AuthType Basic
AuthUserFile path_to/.htpasswd
AuthGroupFile path_to/.htgroup
Order Deny,allow
Require group allowed_groups  

this is the way i am currently using, but i think there can be more elegant solutions.


This .htaccess-file will only allow users to open index.php. Attempts to access any other files will result in a 403-error.

Order deny,allow
Deny from all

<Files "index.php">
    Allow from all

If you also want to use authentication for some of the files, you may simply add the content from your current file at the end of my example.

Collected from the Internet

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