How do I simplify mockito/hamcrest argument matchers in test method?


The test method below appear in a spring-guide tutorial. Is there a less convoluted syntax to write this test or how can I break it apart into smaller chunks?

        allOf( org.hamcrest.Matchers.<CreateOrderEvent>
                hasProperty("dateTimeOfSubmission", notNullValue())),

                hasProperty("name", equalTo(CUSTOMER_NAME))),

                hasProperty("address1", equalTo(ADDRESS1))),
                hasProperty("postcode", equalTo(POST_CODE)))
Stefan Birkner

You could switch the hasProperty and the allOf matchers.

            hasProperty("dateTimeOfSubmission", notNullValue()),
            hasProperty("name", equalTo(CUSTOMER_NAME)),
            hasProperty("address1", equalTo(ADDRESS1)),
            hasProperty("postcode", equalTo(POST_CODE)))

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