Python: wait for user input, and if no input after 10 minutes, continue with program


I tried:

from time import sleep
while sleep(3): 
    input("Press enter to continue.") 

But it doesn't seem to work. I want the program to await user input, but if there's no user input after 10 minutes, continue with the program anyway.

This is with python 3.


Why does the code not work?

time.sleep returns nothing; the value of the time.sleep(..) become None; while loop body is not executed.

How to solve it

If you're on Unix, you can use

import select
import sys

print('Press enter to continue.', end='', flush=True)
r, w, x =[sys.stdin], [], [], 600)

Otherwise, you should use thread.

Windows specific solution that use msvcrt:

import msvcrt
import time

t0 = time.time()
while time.time() - t0 < 600:
    if msvcrt.kbhit():
        if msvcrt.getch() == '\r': # not '\n'

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