VBA Excel - Variable "Double" as function

Alex C

I was given a VBA function that is working but I do not understand how it works and would appreciate your help because in the way it was written, the calculus is really long (basic arithmetic * 15 000 rows)

My problem comes from the definition of the Double variable Qty_Level which is defined as follow:

Dim Qty_Level(30) As Double

I have never seen a variable defined like this, with a couple of parenthesis like a function. Here's my code:

Sub cumul()

    Dim i As Long
    Dim j As Integer
    Dim Qty_level(30) As Double
    Dim Col_Niveau As Integer
    Dim Col_Quantite As Integer
    Dim Col_Resultat As Integer

    i = InputBox("Veuillez indiquer le numéro de la première à analyser (numéro de     ligne Excel)", "Ligne de départ")
   Col_Niveau = InputBox("Veuillez indiquer le numéro de la colonne contenant les niveaux", "Niveaux")
   Col_Quantite = InputBox("Veuillez indiquer le numéro de la colonne contenant les quantités", "Quantités")
   Col_Resultat = InputBox("Veuillez indiquer le numéro de la colonne contenant les résultats", "Résultats")

   Do While IsEmpty(Cells(i, Col_Niveau)) = False

   If IsNumeric(Cells(i, Col_Quantite)) = True Then

        Qty_level(Cells(i, Col_Niveau).Value) = Cells(i, Col_Quantite).Value
        Cells(i, Col_Resultat).Value = 1

        For j = 1 To Cells(i, Col_Niveau).Value
            Cells(i, Col_Resultat).Value = Cells(i, Col_Resultat).Value * Qty_level(j)
        Next j

    End If

    i = i + 1


End Sub

I do not understand how this works, and particularly how the For loop works with the Double(j)

Jean-François Corbett

With Dim Qty_Level(30) As Double you're declaring a static array called Qty_Level containing 31 elements of type Double (double-precision floating-point), with lower bound 0 and upper bound 30. (Unless you wrote Option Base 1 at the top of your module, in which case your lower bound is 1 and there are 30 elements total, but I doubt it.)

I see that in your current loop, you're starting your iteration at j = 1 which means you never actually access element 0. So it's better practice to explicitly specify your lower bound:

Dim QtyLevel(1 To 30) As Double

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